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Express Delivery
up to 31 working days delivery world wide delivery. This means your product could reach you in 2 days or within the next 2 and half months depending on how far you are from the product warehouse. We understand that speedy delivery is what we all want so more warehouses have been planned and will be up and running soon for your convenience and we use express delivery with all our couriers to ensure your products arrive as soon as possible.
2 - 3 day standard delivery in the USA , Europe and Uk on selected items.
Delivery INcluded
Delivery is already included in the pricing for your convenience. so you wont have to pay a cent more to get your items in time
Please return all products to address provided by shipping company inside packaging within 7 days from the date of arrival of the package. With your proof of purchase inside.
Please Note
We are an reseller of all products that do not bear the AIRCFX brand on them. For returns please contact the relevant supplier. the details will be included in the packaging. all items are sold in brand new condition and are all original items.
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